The PAHO Document on Promotion of Sexual Health (PAHO, 2000) contains a very useful set of perceived needs related to eroticism that are a foundation of a key recommendation for recognizing and promoting pleasure in sexual health.

Basically – this is a fancy way of saying that this research has found what we need to ensure our needs are met when it comes to sexual health. Keep in mind that men and women have different needs to experience sexual pleasure, but require the same needs for fulfillment and safety. We’ve outlined them for you below.

Sexual health is one of our major passions, and we are comfortable answering any questions you may have. If you have questions, contact us for more information.

  1. To meet your needs when it comes to eroticism and pleasure in promoting sexual health, you need to have knowledge about the body as related to sexual response and pleasure. This means you need to have knowledge about your body and genitals, what feels good, as well as your sexual partners!
  2. The need for recognition must be met – recognition of the value of sexual pleasure enjoyed throughout life in safe and responsible manners within a values framework respectful of the rights of others. Having a healthy perspective and safe and responsible relationship with sex, while being respectful to others needs is huge.
  3. Sex needs to be promoted and practiced in a safe and responsible manner! It is hard to enjoy something while you feel unsafe or like your feelings and needs are not being respected. Engaging in sexual activity should be safe.
  4. Lastly, we need to foster the practice and enjoyment of consensual, non-exploitative, honest, mutually pleasurable sexual relationships. Sexual interaction should be pleasant and play a role in physical and emotional well being.


This document also relates closely to the six principles of sexual health.Six sexual health principles (adapted from the WHO definition) construct a broad international set of minimum ground rules upon which each person can come to know their own specific individual vision of personal sexual health (Doug Braun-Harvey, 2009). These principles provide a way for people to navigate sexual health and the conversations that surround it.

  1. Consent
  2. Non-exploitative
  3. Honest
  4. Shared Values
  5. protected from unwanted pregnancy and STDs
  6. Pleasure

As always, you can contact us via DM, Email or phone number if you want to connect with us! Follow us on instagram and Tiktok @worthitcounselingcoaching for more tips and tricks related to sexual health and come visit us in person in Lehi, UT.

Want to read the full document? You can find it here!

Want to learn more about the six principles of sexual health? Click here!