What is neurofeedback? 


Neurofeedback is a non-invasive form of therapy that trains your brain to respond more positively and in a healthier way to anxiety and other stressors. The goal of the therapy isn’t just to change how you feel, but how you think and react to things that come your way. Did you know that when your brain is given proper training and support, it is able to change and adapt? This is known as neuroplasticity. Neurofeedback is a way to improve this trait and speed it up! 


What is a neurofeedback session like? 


A typical session might look something like this! 

  • We talk about your goals for the session and the overall treatment. What are you looking to overcome and be better at dealing with? 
  • We place electrodes on your scalp, and start measuring your brain waves and brain activity. After we get you all set up, you can watch a movie, listen to music, or even play video games!
  • When the EEG system detects that the brain’s electrical current has met the goal of treatment, it adjusts the visualization on the screen which the brain learns is direct feedback from its electrical output. 
  • This training loop continues throughout the session, and the brain is given continual opportunities per session to make adjustments and receive positive feedback. 

Sounds easy? It really is! A neurofeedback session is comfortable and should be a time you can relax. 


Who can benefit from neurofeedback? 


In our opinion, most people can benefit from neurofeedback! Whether to help with anxiety, depression, or mental awareness and peak mental health, neurofeedback is a great option. It can help with recovery from traumatizing experiences, as well as a disconnect between mind and body and conditions like hypersensitivity with Autism. 


Where can I find a neurofeedback clinician? 


Our office has clinicians highly experienced in neurofeedback. Most offices are backed up and not accepting new patients for neurofeedback – but we are! If you are interested, email or call us so we can give you a consultation.